The pre-school is open for 5 morning sessions, Monday to Friday, 8.55am until 11.55am, and 5 afternoon sessions, Monday to Friday, 12.30pm until 3.30pm. We open in accordance with school term-time as close as possible. We offer a lunch club 11.55am to 12.30pm at a cost of £3.50 (this is outside of funded hours for those children that receive funding). Lunch is provided by the pre-school (we are a nut free pre-school). Please confirm if your child will require a space at lunch club as we have limited spaces available.
Parent/carer’s will need to supply a drink for lunch club.
Fees for non-funded sessions are £17.50 per three hour session.
Lunch Club is £3.50 per day.
A refundable deposit is required for your child to go onto our waiting list.
Worlingham Pre-School has a secure outside area which is accessed daily.
We are always looking at ways to develop our provision, and we have purchased a wealth of new resources, including many with positive images of different cultures, ages, backgrounds and abilities.
Accident/Incident Forms:
We provide accident/incident forms at collection time if an accident has occurred during the day. When you come to collect your child you will be asked to review the information and sign the form.
If you would like any more detailed information than is provided on the form please speak to a member of staff and they will put you in touch with the person who dealt with/witnessed the accident/incident.
If you decide later that you would like more information please phone the pre-school on 01502 712115 up to 6pm.
Parking in the primary school’s car park:
Parking is not permitted within the primary school’s car park. There is parking available on the roads surrounding the pre-school however we encourage everyone to walk, cycle or scoot to pre-school if at all possible.
Please ensure that anyone who may be dropping off or collecting your child is aware of this.