It is the responsibility of ALL COMMITTEE MEMBERS to ensure that;
o The group meets all the legal requirements to operate as a childcare setting and registered charity
o Sound financial systems are established and maintained
o Confidentiality is maintained at all times
Below is a summary of roles and responsibilities for Key Officers:
Key Officer roles can be carried out jointly, with responsibilities and tasks shared.
o Be the ‘Nominated Person’ for the group with Ofsted (this role can alternatively be fulfilled by the setting Leader/Manager)
o Oversee the recruitment, induction, training and appraisal systems for all new staff and volunteers
o Line manage the Leader/Manager and any paid office staff, eg Administrator, Bookkeeper
o Conduct the annual appraisals of Leader/manager and any paid office staff
o Chair and keep order at committee meetings, conduct voting if required, and hold the casting vote.
o Delegate tasks to other committee members
o Act as spokesperson for the setting where necessary
o Conduct an Annual General Meeting (AGM) as stated in the setting’s constitution, and give the Chairperson’s Annual Report
o Act as the first point of contact for management issues
o Work with the Treasurer and committee to ensure that financial stability is maintained
o Ensure new Committee members are made to feel welcome and have a sound induction and handover process.
o Deal with correspondence on behalf of the committee
o Prepare and circulate agendas in advance to give committee members the opportunity to prepare for meetings.
o Arrange venues for meetings
o Take minutes and keep written records of committee meetings and AGMs.
o Ensure minutes are circulated to committee members and staff, and that a copy is available in the setting’s Operational Plan* (ensuring confidentiality issues are recorded and circulated appropriately)
o Ensure adequate notice is given to all parents/members of the Annual General Meeting (AGM)
o Assist the Chairperson to maintain staff and committee/volunteer records, including Ofsted EY2/EY3 forms and DBS checks
o Maintain an up to date list of committee members and contact details
Committee Toolkit (June 2015) 12
o Advise appropriate contacts (Ofsted, Families Information Service, Suffolk County Council, Charities Commission) of changes to the committee and/or staff.
o Keep diary dates for renewals such as insurance, Ofsted registration.
o Update staff contracts, terms and conditions and job descriptions, following review by the Committee
o Update policies and procedures, following review by staff and Committee
o Organise advertising and marketing activities, including updating the setting’s prospectus, leaflets and posters.
o Work with the committee to ensure the financial stability of the setting is maintained
o Ensure safe accounting systems are in place at all times
o Ensure accurate records are kept of all financial transactions
o Support the Committee in making financial decisions by providing cash flow forecasts and information for annual budgeting
o Ensure that the setting’s budget allows for contingency/reserve funds to deal with unexpected repairs and staff redundancy (recommended 3-4 months running costs)
o Review annually, with the Committee, fees and staff salaries, taking into account minimum wage rises, employment legislation and staff qualifications
o Ensure all bills, invoices and wages are paid on time
o Arrange collection of fees and issue receipts
o Ensure all money from fees and fundraising is banked as soon as possible
o Make sure all claims are completed and submitted on time, eg Early Education grant.
o Provide a written financial report at each Committee meeting and Annual General meeting (AGM)
o Ensure end of year accounts are independently examined (in line with Charity Commission requirements)
o Ensure bank mandates are updated for new signatories
o Take responsibility for the setting chequebook (never asking officers to sign blank cheques)
o Ensure two officers’ signatures are on each cheque issued
o Ensure reconciliation of accounts is carried out weekly, monthly and at the financial year end
o Ensure petty cash system is set up for staff and committee expenses and ensure expense claims are paid on time
o Ensure committee members are aware that they can be reimbursed for expenses incurred while carrying out their roles as committee members/officers
o To support the roles of Key Officers as required
o To attend committee meetings and AGMs
o Be familiar with the group’s constitution, policies and procedures and legal frameworks (EYFS/Ofsted)