Aims & Objectives

Aims of Worlingham Pre-School

The aim of the Pre-School is to provide a happy, safe, secure and stimulating atmosphere in which we can provide pre-school education and care in a ‘learning through play’ environment. We aim to be fully inclusive of all children and adults.

Our setting is open to all members of the community and we are committed to valuing diversity by providing equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice for all. We strive to provide positive non-stereotyping information about gender roles, diverse ethnic and cultural groups and people with additional needs. We make inclusion a thread that runs through all of the activities of the setting.

We aim to provide equality of opportunity for all members of our groups including children who require additional support. The number of adults present at Pre-school enables us to aim to provide individual attention for each child. This enables them to progress at their own pace in all areas of development. By means of developmentally appropriate activities and a high level of adult input, we offer a curriculum which enables children to progress through the developmental stages towards the Early Learning Goals set out within the Early Years Foundation Stage. We work closely with speech and language therapists, the children’s centre and other professionals to support the progression of the children here at the Pre-school.

We aim to continuously aid in the professional development of all staff, by keeping them up to date with procedures and practices, through regular in-house training, courses and meetings.


We offer developmentally appropriate activities which can be adjusted to suit the individual child’s needs. The curriculum offered enables children to progress through the Early Years Foundation Stage’s for Learning and development through the seven areas which are crucial for igniting the children’s enthusiasm and curiosity, and help relationships to thrive. The first three areas are crucial and known as the ‘Prime Areas’ and the other four are known as the ‘Specific Areas’ of Early Learning which help to strengthen the ‘Prime Areas.’

‘Prime Areas’ are:- Communication and Language, Physical development, Personal, social and emotional development.

‘Specific Areas’ are:- Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World, Expressive Arts and Design.

The Pre-School works within the suggested guidelines set out by Ofsted which also includes ‘Safeguarding and Welfare’ to ensure children:

  • Are protected from harm or neglect and stay safe 
  • Are healthy
  • Make a positive contribution to our provision and the wider community
  • Enjoy and achieve

The Pre-school also works within Ofsted’s minimum standards.

The Pre-School SENDco is Katie.

The professional development of all staff is continuous and ongoing, and we aim to keep all staff up to date with procedures and practices through in-house training, courses and meetings.