08 Mar

Committee News

The Pre-School committee held its first meeting of 2016 on Wednesday 6th of January. This meeting was called as an emergency in order to recruit new members and appoint a new chairperson and secretary.

In order for us to operate under our charity status, we are required to have a certain number of committee members at all times – if you feel you could help us by becoming a member, please let Angie or one of the other committee members know – our pictures are in the entrance way!

Committee meetings are held every few months, only last an hour or so, and we even throw in a hot drink and a cake or biscuit too!

We are very grateful to the people that attended and offered to be committee members, however we can always use more volunteers so please consider joining us. We are also still in need of a Committee Chairperson – if you would like to volunteer for this position or would like to know what the role involves, please contact the Pre-School

The next committee meeting will be held on Tuesday 22nd of March at 7 pm,  we would be delighted if you could join us.

Worlingham Pre-School